It is a type of massage therapy which examines and treats muscles and muscle attachments in layers. Skin conditions such as wrinkles, moles, and birth marks can also be indications of trigger points. These small, hyperirritable sites in the muscle tissue sometimes refer pain to other locations as in headaches or sciatica. Trigger points can present themselves as referred patterns of sensation such as sharp pain, dull ache, tingling, pins and needles, hot or cold, as well as can create symptoms such as nausea, ear ache, equilibrium disturbance, or blurred vision.

The every day stress and pressures along with injuries, trauma, arthritis, and fibromyalgia (muscle fiber pain) will take years off of our lives. The pain we feel in our muscles will slow us down. If we are to have long, quality lives we must take care of our largest organ, the muscle. What can be done to help headaches, migraines, plantar faciatis, bunions, neck stiffness, carpal tunnel like symptoms, tennis elbow, bursitis, frozen shoulder, back pain, low back stiffness, sciatica, and shin splints and even TMJ pain?